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Volunteer for 6th Avenue Corridor.

The 6th Avenue Corridor relies on the helping hands of volunteers organized into the four-point system. Since 2009, thousands of hours of volunteer time has helped sustain our efforts.
We’re always looking for new volunteers to serve on our action teams. Let us know if you’re interested in getting involved!
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The Public Safety Committee of 6th Avenue Corridor works to create a safe, welcoming environment for residents, businesses, and visitors. Through collaboration with local law enforcement, community organizations, and neighborhood stakeholders, the committee focuses on improving street lighting, addressing blight, promoting pedestrian safety, and fostering a sense of community.
Effective promotion creates a positive image of the Main Street District to instill community pride and encourage commercial activity and investment in the area. Promotions can be used to communicate unique characteristics of a Main Street District to spark interest in shopping, dining, living or investing in the community.
Economic vitality strengthens the existing economic assets while diversifying the economic base of the Main Street District to support and improve profitability. The goal is to build a strong commercial district that creates a supportive environment for small businesses, entrepreneurs and consumers.
Design capitalizes on and enhances the visual aspects of a Main Street District to create a safe, appealing and inviting atmosphere for people to shop and spend time. The physical elements such as the storefronts and building architecture, streetscape, public art, street furniture, parking areas and public spaces are used to convey a positive image for the downtown.